Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Even if you live in an apartment or condo, or just don't have available space or a big backyard, you can still get your fresh herbs by growing an indoor herb garden. There's nothing better for a home cook than to have fresh herbs at their fingertips. Plus indoor herb gardens can be grown year around since they won't be affected by inclement weather or rapid temperature changes.

You can traditionally plant (or buy) your indoor herbs in containers, or you can choose hydroponic gardening. Planting in containers is usually less expensive but takes a little more time and effort, and needs to be in a location that gets at least 4-6 hours of sunshine daily - usually at a south and/or west facing window if you live in the northern hemisphere. If you do not have a location where your plants can get sufficient sunlight, you might consider grow lights which have a larger light spectrum than incandescent light that plants need to survive and grow. Containers can be anything from a purchased pot (be sure the pot is suitable for live plants) to buckets, even old boots or discarded toilets (cleaned of course).

Hydroponics is getting more and more popular and is a method of growing plants without soil and has been around for thousands of years. The growth rate is considerably quicker than planting in soil, up to 50 percent in some cases and the yield is usually greater too. Plants in a hydroponic system derive their water and nutrients directly to the roots several times a day instead of having to search the soil for them. These plants also have fewer problems with bugs, fungi and disease and are generally healthier and happier, plus they use much less water. Whichever way you choose you're sure to have fresh herbs.

There are several advantages (and some disadvantages) to growing an indoor herb garden.

Some of the advantages include:

* Plants are protected from inclement weather
* Easily accessible and convenient
* Can be grown all year long regardless of season
* The plants help keep the indoor air cleaner
* Easy to move to shaded area if sun gets too hot
* Insects and fungus are easier to keep under control
* Requires less fertilizer, if any
* No need for bird netting
* No need for weeding
* No need for gardening tools like hoes, rakes, shovels, etc.

Disadvantages include:

* Less productive yields, however hydroponics will provide you with greater yields.
* Must provide adequate lighting either from sunlight or HID grow lights if sunlight is not sufficient
* Less growing space which, depending on your indoor accommodations, might mean less selection
* More difficult to maintain proper fertilization which often results in over fertilizing
* Proper watering can be more difficult since soil indoors doesn't adjust or dry out as well which can result in over watering and root rot.
* I've heard some say there's less flavor, but I haven't noticed it myself.

For more tips and methods about indoor (and outdoor) herb gardening,
please visit: thehomeherbgarden.com



Growing herbs in a windowsill herb garden is a wonderful and practical use of any small gardening space. Nothing beats being able to pick fresh herbs for your dishes right where you need them. Planting indoor herbs is not that different from growing herbs outside. This type of herb garden is simple to set up, relatively affordable, exceptionally useful in the kitchen, can give off soothing scents in your home, and can be enjoyed by everyone.

Let me share some great tips on growing herbs in your windowsill herb garden:

1. Plastic containers and clays make great pots for your herbs. Just make sure that they can provide ample drainage and that the container is big enough to accommodate the growth of your plants.

2. Its best to place your herb in a sunny window -- your herb plants will surely grow a few days after they were planted. Light is essential to herb growing. If you don't have a sunny area inside your home, use fluorescent lights.

3. Having a large windowsill also means that you can grow lots of herbs in containers. There are different kinds of plants that will do well in a windowsill like include oregano, chives, mint, basil, rosemary, parsley, marjoram and thyme. You can buy these plants in nurseries and garden centers.

4. Chives grow easily in windowsills and they are excellent for salads, teas and soups. Oregano, sage, basil, rosemary and thyme are best for sauces and meats. An all time-favorite choice for garnishing is parsley.

5. The best type of soil for container gardening is a soilless potting mix. It contains natural minerals that drain better. One of the most notable characteristic of this type of soil is that they prevent the plants from being susceptible to soil-borne diseases.

6. When watering the containers in the windowsill, be sure to leave at least an inch of space at the top of the container. Herbs don't like to be kept moist. Be sure to throw any remaining water to avoid waterlogging your herbs.

7. Some gardeners used edible-only fertilizers to ensure the steady growth of their plants. As a responsible gardener, you should not over fertilize the plants to keep the herbs safe for human consumption. As a general rule, the fertilizer should be mixed with water before they are applied to the garden.

Growing your herbs in a windowsill herb garden is a superb way to keep them handy all throughout the year. It can also be a wonderful and beautiful addition to your home décor.

Norm Stewart loves writing about his passion for herbs and loves sharing his 35 years of herb growing expertise with others.
Discover more expert tips and valuable information about windowsill herb garden and how to successfully grow and use your herbs in wonderful and creative ways with his popular free ecourse, available at http://www.herbgrowing-guide.com/